Global change and biodiversity solutions
Selected reviews and syntheses on coastal urbanisation and ocean sprawl
Firth, L. B., Bone, J., Bartholomew, A., Bishop, M. J., Bugnot, A., Bulleri, F., Chee, S. Y., Claassens, L., Dafforn, K. A., Fairchild, T. P., Hall, A. E., Hanley, M. E., Komyakova, V., Lemasson, A. J., Loke, L. H. L.,... & Knights, A. M. (2024). Coastal greening of grey infrastructure: an update on the state-of-the-art. In: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Maritime Engineering. p. 1–69.
Bugnot, A. B., Mayer-Pinto, M., Airoldi, L., Heery, E. C., Johnston, E. L., Critchley, L. P., Strain, E. M. A., Morris, R. L., Loke, L. H. L., Bishop, M. J., Sheehan, E. V., Coleman, R. A., & Dafforn, K. A. (2021). Current and projected global extent of marine infrastructure. Nature Sustainability 4(1): 33–41.
Morris, R. L., Heery, E. C., Loke, L. H. L., ... & Leung, K. M. Y. (2019). Design options, implementation issues and evaluating success of ecologically-engineered shorelines. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review 57: 137–196.
Loke, L. H. L., Heery, E. C., & Todd, P. A. (2019). Chapter 29: Shoreline defences. In: Sheppard, C. (Editor), World Seas: An Environmental Evaluation, Vol III: Ecological Issues and Environmental Impacts, (2nd ed.). Oxford, UK: Elsevier Limited.
Lai, S., Loke, L. H. L., Hilton, M. J., Bouma, T. J., & Todd, P. A. (2015). The effects of urbanisation on coastal habitats and the potential for ecological engineering: A Singapore case study. Ocean & Coastal Management 103: 78–85.
Selected empirical studies involving complex moulded habitat tiles in eco-engineering
Hartanto, R. S., Loke, L. H. L., Heery, E. C., Hsiung, A. R., Goh, M., Pek, S., Birch, W. R., & Todd, P. A. (2021). Material type weakly affects algal colonisation but not macrofaunal community in an artificial intertidal habitat. Ecological Engineering 176: 106514.
Hsiung, A. R., Tan, W. T., Loke, L. H. L., Firth, L. B., Heery, E. C., Ducker, J., Clark, V., Pek, S., Birch, W. R., Ang, A. C. F., Hartanto, R. S., Chai, T., & Todd, P. A. (2020). Little evidence that lowering the pH of concrete supports greater biodiversity on tropical and temperate seawalls. Marine Ecology Progress Series 656: 193–205.
Loke, L. H. L., Chisholm, R. A., & Todd, P. A. (2019). Effects of habitat area and spatial configuration on biodiversity in an experimental intertidal community. Ecology 100(8): e02757.
Loke, L. H. L., Bouma, T. J., & Todd, P. A. (2017). The effects of manipulating microhabitat size and variability on tropical seawall biodiversity: field and flume experiments. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 492: 113–120.
Loke, L. H. L., & Todd, P. A. (2016). Structural complexity and component type increase intertidal biodiversity independently of area. Ecology 97(2): 383–393.
Other selected papers on urban marine ecology
Todd, P. A., Heery, E. C., Loke, L. H. L., Thurstan, R. H., Kotze, D. J., & Swan, C. (2019). Towards an urban marine ecology: characterizing the drivers, patterns and processes of marine ecosystems in coastal cities. Oikos 128(9): 1215–1242.
Lai, S, Loke, L. H. L., Bouma, T. J., & Todd, P. A. (2018). Biodiversity surveys and stable isotope analyses reveal key differences in intertidal communities between tropical seawalls and rocky shores. Marine Ecology Progress Series 587: 41–53.